Real-Estate Agent Prospecting (6 Ideas NOBODY Uses)

Real-estate prospecting and real-estate agent prospecting ideas are a great way of obtaining clients! I’ve had tons of success when it came to a real estate prospecting plan, but I wouldn’t stop just there. Here are some of the weirder sources of business that you can use when prospecting for business: High Equity When someone […]

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Elder Care: A Leading Healthcare Issue

Elder Care: A Leading Healthcare Issue

Did you know that today, we have more parents to care for than children? Elder care has replaced childcare as a leading healthcare issue. For the children of aging parents expressing concerns about their well being can lead to difficult discussions and even more difficult decisions about how to care for them. Many people who […]

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Which Type of Yoga Is Right for You?

Which Type of Yoga Is Right for You?

There are quite a number of types of yogas these days that try to differentiate themselves from one another and emphasize certain aspects of the entire practice of yoga. Traditionally, yoga works on the body, mind and spirit, though most Western yogas tend to focus on the body. Various Types of Yoga If you live […]

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How Back Pain Starts, and How to Manage It

How Back Pain Starts, and How to Manage It

Back pain can originate from various musculoskeletal and nerve problems. From the moment that back pain starts, we must pay close attention to the different variables associated with it. Treatment The most common cause of back pain begins with a slipped disk, also known as a “herniated nucleus pulposa” (HNP). Physicians typically refer to a rupture in the “intervertebral […]

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